Flickassist aims to consolidate hundreds of messaging and social media groups into one efficient, web based transport system for trade plate drivers. Flickassist will remove the need post to and check multiple messaging and social media groups.
No longer will passengers miss out lift because they missed a post or were not in the correct group.
Add Driven Jobs
Use our simple web form to add your collection & delivery addresses and approximate timings. If you already have a lift arranged or do not require a lift for a particular job then tick the ‘No lift required’ box. Transport companies can bulk upload drivers jobs using spreadsheet, text or their own proprietary files.
Driver & Passenger Matching
The system looks at all the active jobs on the system and works out what lifts are required. For example, if a driver delivers a vehicle to Inverness and his next collection is in Glasgow followed by a delivery to Carlisle and a final collection in Liverpool. The system calculates the driver needs the following lifts:
Inverness to Glasgow followed by Carlisle to Liverpool
The system starts looking for drivers near the passenger’s drop off points. If no drivers are found the system will keep checking as more jobs are added.
Driver Found
Once the system has found a match between a passenger and driver, the driver will receive a notification by SMS. The driver can look at the lift on flickassist.com and then decide whether to offer or reject the lift. If the driver rejects the lift then nothing else happens. The passenger receives no notifications and the system keeps looking for more matches. It is the driver’s responsibility to look at the lift and decide if it is viable and sensible.
If the lift is offered, the passenger will receive a notification by SMS with the driver information. The passenger then contacts the driver to arrange a mutually acceptable collection location and time.
Fair Play
For the system to work effectively drivers must be willing to both give lifts as well as taking them. The system will spot if drivers are taking lifts but not offering any, even if they can. We will contact those drivers to discuss why this anomaly has happened. If it is found that drivers only take lifts but do not offer any over an extended period of time they will be removed from the system.
To be successful Flickassist has to be a two way system.