Your Matches
When a match is found, the driver will receive an SMS message with the passenger’s full name, collection and drop off postcodes. The driver should logon to to see the full details of the match and choose to accept or reject the lift. Drivers can view their matches at any time by clicking Your Matches.
To view the full details of the match go to the View Match page by clicking on
Note: It is up to the driver to use their common sense and experience to judge whether a lift is feasible. The system simply matches drivers and passengers who are near each and heading in the same direction. The system is NOT telling a driver to offer a specific lift. The final judgement is always for the driver to make.
View Match
On the View Match page the driver can see the Offer Lift and Reject Lift buttons. The passenger name, contact number and email address. A map showing the drivers route, passenger route and underneath the date & time of the collection.
On the map the driver’s route is shown in orange with the makers D1 & D2. The passenger’s lift route is shown in blue with the markers P1 & P2. Where the routes overlap the route will be in blue.
Offer Lift
When the driver clicks the Offer Lift button the passenger will receive an SMS to say a lift has been offered. The SMS will contain the driver’s full name and contact phone number. The passenger should contact the driver as soon as possible to arrange a mutually acceptable collection location and time.
If the driver does not receive a contact from the passenger within an hour we would suggest the driver contacts the passenger using the details on the Your Matches page.
Once the lift is offered by a driver the passenger will be able to see the driver’s detail on their own Your Matches page.
Reject Lift
When the driver clicks the Reject Lift button the lift is rejected. The passenger does not receive any notifications about the rejected lift and will never know a match was found.
Note: If a lift is rejected by the driver but they subsequently change their mind, they can still offer the passenger the lift by returning to the Your Matches page, clicking then clicking the Offer Lift button.
Cancelling Lifts
Sometimes after offering a lift, the driver might find they are no longer able to carry out the lift. In this situation the driver simply visits the Your Matches page and clicks on the Cancel button. The passenger will receive an SMS informing them the lift is no longer available
Note: A with the Reject Lift scenario, if a lift is Cancelled by the driver but they subsequently change their mind, they can still offer the passenger the lift by returning to the Your Matches page, clicking then clicking the Offer Lift button.
Sometimes the passenger might not need a lift they been offered. In this situation the passenger simply visits the Your Matches page, clicks on the match and then clicks the Cancel Lift button. The driver will receive an SMS message informing them that the lift is no longer required.
Note: If a lift is cancelled by the passenger but they subsequently change their mind, they can still request the lift by returning to the Your Matches page, clicking on then clicking the Request Lift button. The driver will receive an SMS requesting the lift.
Once requested the match will no longer be visible on the passenger’s Your Matches page until the driver offers the lift again. If the lift is accepted an SMS will be sent to the passenger to say a lift has been offered and they can at that point contact the driver.